Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Hiked a Mountain Today

Today has been a huge milestone for me! I ran a mile. 4 laps on a track. No stopping. I tried to stop to pee but the gate was locked so I had to keep running!

My beachbody coach Emma challenged our team to run for 10 minutes. I walked the track twice to warm up, set my alarm and took off. I am not a runner. In jr high I was the goalie on my soccer team so I didn't have to run much!

At lap 3 1/2 I looked at my clock thinking there was No Way I could do a 10 minute mile. It never started. So I finished the lap and called it a success! I think it was 12 minutes or so. I've had a slight ache in my knee but that was actually good for it I think.

In the back of my mind I've wanted to be able to run. I hate it outwardly but secretly I want to be able to do it. I admire marathoners like crazy. The sheer will that takes is amazing!

Even though I may never get to that point I have reached a very big goal for me. I'm 200+ still. I'm 37 years old. I wear a 40D.  I have 4 kids and no bladder control. I NEVER thought I would be able to run a mile. EVER. I wanted to. I hoped for it. But now I'm working for it!

I'm on day 62 of Chalene Extreme and shakeology. I love it and the changes I've already seen in the way I feel and in what I can do. I've lost 6 lbs and 13.3 inches. I'm on track to hit my goal of Fit By 40! If I can do it, so can You! Trust me it's worth every ache and sore muscle!

1 comment:

  1. I want progression photos! I'm excited for you beyond belief! BTW, everyone else knows you can do it. You just have to prove it to yourself. One thing I've secretly been wanting to get back into is swimming. I have a dream of doing triathlons but I've just been really scared jumping into something I've never tried this late in life. Most of the people that do tris at this age have been doing them for years, so I'm afraid of making a fool of myself. I'm a runner, so I have that down. I used to swim on a team when I was really young, like until I was 12, so I have that base... but it's still scary to venture into the part of the gym where you're new. I know you know what I'm talking about. But today I did it. I went and swam laps around all the water aerobics ladies. Trying to make new habits at 40 is so scary but so good for us. We can't get stagnant or we're going to end up like those old ladies that are always to scared to try anything they don't know! Right? Anyway, so happy for you. Good luck with the running. Keep it slow and easy for a while so you don't get an injury that benches you for weeks. Be sure to do nice slow easy stretching after EVERY RUN as well. That will really keep the injuries down. The book of possible running injuries is inches thick but if you take the time to do it right, you won't have to deal with them.
